
Applying topic modeling in politicians' speeches - Part 2

kim kataguiri

Still talking about data preparation

Still talking about data preparation, this process can vary according to the situation. For example, on social media, users often misspell, so you can make a spell check, treat emoticons, etc. You also can improve the algorithms used on tokenization, lemmatization, n_grams, etc., and to choose the sequence that you would like to apply in the data.

For data preparation, I chose the following order, tokenization - stopwords removal - lemmatization - stopwords removal - n_grams - n_grams and stopwords removal. For the following reasons:

The stopword removal using NLTK analyzes the word's syntax and compares them with the words of your stopword dictionary for deciding whether removes or not. As lemmatization and the n_grams affect the word's syntax and consequently affect the results of the removal I decided to remove the stopwords before them.

I also decided to remove stopwords after lemmatization because the Portuguese language has many verb conjugations and the NLTK's dictionary doesn't include these conjugations. Besides that, the NLTK's dictionary has few stopwords, so I added more words to the dictionary.

Finally, I also removed irrelevant words after n_grams, this is a very specific case that happened when I worked using the New York Times newspapers as a sample, the word New York Times was repeated many times and this word has no relevant meaning for the research that I was doing, so I removed them after n_grams connected the words with an underscore (new_york_times).

Another thing about the n_grams that I didn't say is, there are two very common concepts, the bigram and the trigram, at code level they are the same thing. A bigram is two words that often appear together in documents, such as social media, New York, etc., whereas a trigram has the same meaning, but refers to three words.

In my project, I added a filter called filter_extremes(), this filter can be used to remove words based on the number of times they appear in the documents. In this case, I used this filter just to test, it'll be useful to help me remove noise from the collected data from another research I'm doing.

Applying the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)

So far, I explained how the data preparation works, explained its importance, and the sequence I chose for this step. Now, I'll show and explain how the LDA algorithm works, for that I'll use the politicians' speeches as a sample.

The following speeches were used:

15 Joyce Hasselmann's speeches in 2019.

19 Kim Kataguiri's speeches in 2019.

13 Nelson Marquezelli's speeches in 2018.

4 Magno Malta's speeches in 2013, 2016, 2018.

Code used to create the LDA model.

lda_model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=5, passes=5, random_state=100, chunksize=5) pprint(lda_model.show_topics(num_words=10, formatted=False))


Kim Kataguiri.

[(0, ('político', 0.048081513), ('criminoso', 0.026880478), ('dever', 0.023893056), ('homicídio', 0.020882715), ('institucional', 0.01692661), ('crime', 0.016326597), ('ministrar', 0.015666239), ('econômica_país', 0.015128006), ('grande', 0.014874312), ('infelizmente', 0.014742325)]), (1, [('lula', 0.015493604), ('temer', 0.014298427), ('dilma', 0.01354996), ('previdência', 0.013054488), ('afirmar', 0.012570059), ('ministério', 0.012504581), ('milhão', 0.012391347), ('menos', 0.012331136), ('aposentar', 0.011386282), ('engraçar', 0.010403054)]), (2, [('pobre', 0.0017235907), ('amigar', 0.0017222896), ('sistema', 0.0017211222), ('mil', 0.0017201558), ('previdência', 0.0017197804), ('pessoa', 0.0017194073), ('contar', 0.0017188233), ('vender', 0.0017185071), ('rede_social', 0.0017183989), ('pequeno', 0.0017183813)]), (3, [('oposição', 0.028073898), ('banco', 0.02438206), ('paulo_guedes', 0.020875037), ('crédito', 0.020252384), ('emendar', 0.019589188), ('econômica', 0.018525703), ('importante', 0.017117798), ('reformar', 0.01678466), ('votar', 0.014022477), ('juro', 0.0131551195)]), (4, [('mil', 0.02649151), ('brasil', 0.02524272), ('pobre', 0.024156293), ('brasileiro', 0.020558463), ('render', 0.017023748), ('pessoa', 0.016119933), ('aumentar', 0.015964374), ('taxar', 0.011877464), ('maior', 0.011803343), ('novo', 0.010375899)])

Joice Hasselmann.

(0, [('educação', 0.13055523), ('entender', 0.061123144), ('dinheiro', 0.035620566), ('pobre', 0.030588925), ('processar', 0.030102147), ('novo', 0.029336303), ('previdência', 0.023431802), ('pouco', 0.022880832), ('gigantesco', 0.020867195), ('vezar', 0.020137565)]), (1, [('criança', 0.05710421), ('gerar', 0.032897886), ('oportunidade', 0.02977146), ('jovem', 0.028608356), ('prazo', 0.022428662), ('próprio', 0.022382174), ('menino', 0.0202656), ('errar', 0.0202656), ('janeiro', 0.018091096), ('possibilidade', 0.017544733)]), (2, [('brasil', 0.06028765), ('ministrar', 0.044095278), ('precisar', 0.040082633), ('adiantar', 0.024088105), ('repetir', 0.023177613), ('vezar', 0.022684252), ('formar', 0.021048), ('fundamental', 0.020685708), ('acontecer', 0.019900924), ('reformar', 0.017469293)]), (3, [('pedir', 0.039279137), ('acordar', 0.023514247), ('importante', 0.021785323), ('oposição', 0.020121368), ('público', 0.01775515), ('pautar', 0.017023362), ('pagar', 0.015360363), ('discussão', 0.015240841), ('líder', 0.015105125), ('grande', 0.014953048)]), (4, [('técnico', 0.066543065), ('trabalhar', 0.043322824), ('equipar', 0.034722503), ('colega', 0.033332653), ('brasil', 0.031017913), ('verdade', 0.022444658), ('agora', 0.022087174), ('quebrar', 0.01860686), ('acontecer', 0.016007116), ('brasileiro', 0.015844967)])

Nelson Marquezelli

(0, [('brasil', 0.08703167), ('brasileiro', 0.056430645), ('amigo', 0.039174017), ('trabalhar', 0.03814766), ('país', 0.035935465), ('câmara', 0.033925936), ('conhecer', 0.026983958), ('orgulhar', 0.026983958), ('grande', 0.0248193), ('casar', 0.024046337)]), (1, [('poder', 0.06771855), ('orlar_silvar', 0.049369935), ('importante', 0.04916141), ('votar', 0.048867237), ('deixar', 0.048555154), ('casar', 0.045148652), ('art', 0.042274352), ('comissão', 0.035160076), ('manter', 0.032031722), ('iniciar', 0.027981322)]), (2, [('falir_sobrar', 0.041870497), ('aprovação', 0.041848816), ('passar', 0.03747961), ('emendar', 0.03692816), ('carga', 0.034437682), ('fechar', 0.034375116), ('transportar', 0.029316759), ('acordar', 0.027154697), ('plenário', 0.026985426), ('lei', 0.026955042)]), (3, [('ministério', 0.07683902), ('poder', 0.07034852), ('qualidade', 0.0531148), ('público', 0.05255442), ('dois', 0.032972936), ('tribuna', 0.026358625), ('vidar', 0.024823152), ('tamanho', 0.02482264), ('encaminhar', 0.024472887), ('município', 0.024466148)]), (4, [('feirar', 0.04614017), ('mundo', 0.031650648), ('cidade', 0.0307977), ('gostar', 0.029193563), ('ajudar', 0.028055798), ('setor', 0.026994329), ('maior', 0.026354916), ('parabém', 0.025562411), ('agricultura', 0.025562411), ('obrigar', 0.02453766)])

Magno Malta

(0, [('senador_paim', 0.016738543), ('respeitar', 0.014017984), ('direito_humano', 0.009541961), ('abortar', 0.0073826867), ('defender', 0.0069556986), ('frente', 0.0061650705), ('pensar', 0.005821343), ('ler', 0.005645813), ('democracia', 0.0054372996), ('sobrar', 0.0051015727)]), (1, [('viés_ideológico', 0.013972058), ('jair_bolsonaro', 0.013972058), ('bolsonaro', 0.011688635), ('verbalizar', 0.0094059715), ('pênis', 0.009405194), ('destruir', 0.0071217916), ('sinal', 0.0071217245), ('senador_ricardo', 0.0071217245), ('dois_vezar', 0.0071217245), ('mão_deus', 0.0071217245)]), (2, [('respeitar', 0.0008562035), ('defender', 0.0008561843), ('abortar', 0.0008558293), ('senador_paim', 0.0008556099), ('pedir', 0.00085527805), ('sobrar', 0.0008550593), ('acreditar', 0.00085497036), ('público', 0.0008549413), ('bem', 0.0008549318), ('direito_humano', 0.00085492973)]), (3, [('popularidade', 0.03139278), ('encerrar', 0.00983482), ('ratar', 0.009807387), ('reformar', 0.009807387), ('baderneiros', 0.009807387), ('pau', 0.009807387), ('dilma', 0.0067257397), ('reagir', 0.0067256307), ('amnésia', 0.0067237364), ('caos', 0.0067237364)]), (4, [('supremo', 0.011814962), ('ministrar', 0.006112738), ('ministro', 0.0061122337), ('palmar', 0.0061107674), ('mandar', 0.006002944), ('novo', 0.005159167), ('bom', 0.005089765), ('abortar', 0.0047006304), ('saquear', 0.004206529), ('pente', 0.0042051063)])

About the LDA model

The algorithm groups words from documents that have a bigger probability of appearing together to form the topics. Looking at the tuple list, we can see the first element is the word and the second element is the probability that the word belongs to the topic, also note each topic is enumerated, who'll name the topics is the user.

To create the LDA model you only need the corpus, about the other parameters used we have: the id2word used to translate the id of the words, remember that the LDA uses numbers, not strings, the num_topics define the number of topics, in this case we choose a number arbitrarily, but you can use algorithms to optimize the number of topics.

The LDA is an iterative process, it analyzes all the corpus at each iteration to generate the topics discovery model, you can set the number of times that the algorithm analyzes the corpus defining the parameter passes, in this case was used the default value.

For the algorithm to be reproducible, you need set the random_state parameter, if you don't set, the Gensim generates a random number at each run, in other words, generating different topics at each run. Lastly, the chunksize parameter set the number of documents used in each training chunk, in practice and during my work, I observed that this parameter has more impact in the diversity of the topics and consequently more impact in the final result. Note, use a number smaller than the number of documents in your corpus.

More information about these parameters and others you can access the Gensim documentation.

The LDA has some limitations, so is common get unsatisfactory results as repeated topics or topics with little semantic meaning. To work around this problem some developers change the number of topics and passes until reach a satisfactory result, other developers may want remove words less frequent and words present in more than 30% in documents.

To work around this problem, I generally change the chunksize and create a good stopwords dictionary.


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