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About me

Hello everyone, I'm Renato, I'm 25 years old, I'm single and live in Marília-SP, Brazil. I entered university in 2015 and finished in 2018, I'm a bachelor's in computing science from Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília (UNIVEM), at university I had a experience was enjoyable, there I published some articles on congress of the initiation scientific and I had a project supported by FAPESP intitled User interface to support situation awareness in forest fires. Later I entered the labor market in 2019 and started working with text mining using python in Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), I worked in a UNESP project supported by FAPESP, then I got out of there and entered Neemo enterprise to work with web development using Ruby on Rails, and in 2021 I entered Select Tecnologia da Informação Eireli, currently, I work here, here I work with several projects with different technologies, such as Angular, React, DotNet, Php, Python, and Django, so I had a very diverse experience in the technology area and the labor market, what was cool, but I needed to have work more focused in specific technologies, because the labor market request years of experience with specific technologies, so to resolve this problem I chose a set of specific technology to study in my free time, currently I'm focused in Python, Django and React and to demo my skills with these technologies I created and shared my projects in the internet. I have 4 projects in progress and you can see more about them in my portfolio or following me on social media.

My social medias 😊

My portfolio

lattes curriculum

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