
Applying topic modeling in politicians' speeches - Part 1

kim kataguiri

About this project

This was the first project in data mining that I worked, the focus was understand how work this techniques. The technique chosen to be implemented was the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), this technique extracts topics from large amount of texts, topics, this case, is defined as a group of keywords such as justice, security, police.

To show a real application of this technique, my team proposed to use the speeches of politicians as sample. The sample was divided in two parts, the first entitled "new politicians" representing the new politicians elected with the help of social media, and the second entitled "old politicians" representing the old politicians who weren't non-reelected, both are of the right-wing.

The idea was to check if the topics in each sample are the same if the topics are the same then the ideas no changed, what changed was the way of communicating, if the topics are different then it makes room for other hypotheses. This project currently isn't being worked, ther's another project in progress, that is why I decided to write about this project here and use it to bring knowledge about the topic modeling algorithm. Our focus is on the algorithm.

The tools and library used

The algorithm that I implemented basically has the following steps, data preparation, and creation of the LDA model. Data preparation involves tokenization, removal of stopwords, lemmatization, and n_grams, and the creation of the LDA model involves the creation of a dictionary, a corpus, and the LDA model itself.

To implement this algorithm was to used the Python language and the following libraries, Gensim to create the LDA model and n_grams, Pandas to read JSON files, Gensim's simple_process for the tokenization, NLTK for stopwords removal, and the Spacy for lemmatization.

# Importing required libraries import gensim import pandas as pd import spacy import nltk from gensim.corpora import Dictionary from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess from nltk.corpus import stopwords from pprint import pprint nlp = spacy.load('pt_core_news_sm') # Loading models for lemmatization in the Portuguese language nltk.download('stopwords') # Downloading the NLTK's stopwords dictionary stop_words = stopwords.words('portuguese') # Loading NLTK's stopwords dictionary in the Portuguese language

The Pycharm development environment and the Anaconda open source project were used to manage the libraries.

The code is inspired by this tutorial: https://www.machinelearningplus.com/nlp/topic-modeling-gensim-python/ I adapted and organized the code for this case study, so the code is a little different from the tutorial.

About the samples

The politicians' speeches were collected on the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil website basically, I searched the candidate's name on the website and copied and pasted their speeches in an external file using the mouse, then I put the data in a JSON format using Notepad++ .

The JSON file used in this project may be accessed in this link .

Independent of the format or data you want to use, you need to convert this file in a list of strings. So if you want to use this algorithm in other case studies, remember to do the adaptations required.

Explaining each step of data preparation

To better understand the data preparation steps, I created a fictional dialogue between two people and saved it to a string list variable.

[' - Meu cachorro engordou uns 3 quilos, aquela nova ração que comprei para ele é muito boa. - Qual o nome do cachorro? - Max, eu postei umas fotos dele nas redes sociais uns 3 dias atrás', '- Oi, você viu o que postei no meu perfil? - Olhei, eu estava navegando pelas redes sociais também e encontrei um notebook barato', '- Ou eu comprei aquele notebook estava na promoção, a loja vendeu com 20% de desconto.']

The first step is tokenization, in this step, the list of strings is transformed into an array of strings, also numbers, punctuation, and isolated letters are removed.

[['meu', 'cachorro', 'engordou', 'uns', 'quilos', 'aquela', 'nova', 'ração', 'que', 'comprei', 'para', 'ele', 'muito', 'boa', 'qual', 'nome', 'do', 'cachorro', 'max', 'eu', 'postei', 'umas', 'fotos', 'dele', 'nas', 'redes', 'sociais', 'uns', 'dias', 'atrás'], ['oi', 'você', 'viu', 'que', 'postei', 'no', 'meu', 'perfil', 'olhei', 'eu', 'estava', 'navegando', 'pelas', 'redes', 'sociais', 'também', 'encontrei', 'um', 'notebook', 'barato'], ['ou', 'eu', 'comprei', 'aquele', 'notebook', 'estava', 'na', 'promoção', 'loja', 'vendeu', 'com', 'de', 'desconto']]

In topic modeling is common to hear terms like words, documents and corpus, where document is a set of words and the corpus is a set of documents. For the algorithm, each element of the array is a word, each row of the array is a document and array is the corpus.

The second step is the removal of stopwords, stopwords are common words in the language and haven't relevant meaning for the formation of topics. If you don't remove the stopwords, the algorithm will consider these words to form the topics, so instead of law, police, justice the algorithm can return as, for, justice. After removing the stopwords, the result was:

[['cachorro', 'engordou', 'uns', 'quilos', 'nova', 'ração', 'comprei', 'boa', 'nome', 'cachorro', 'max', 'postei', 'umas', 'fotos', 'redes', 'sociais', 'uns', 'dias', 'atrás'], ['oi', 'viu', 'postei', 'perfil', 'olhei', 'navegando', 'redes', 'sociais', 'encontrei', 'notebook', 'barato'], ['comprei', 'notebook', 'promoção', 'loja', 'vendeu', 'desconto']]

The following words were removed: ‘meu’, ‘aquela’, ‘que’, ‘para’, ‘ele’, ‘muito’, ‘qual’, ‘do’, ‘eu’, ‘dele’, ‘nas’, ‘você’, ‘no’, ‘meu’, ‘estava’, ‘pelas’, ‘também’, ‘um’, ‘ou’, ‘aquele’, ‘com’, ‘de’. The next step is the lemmatization, see the result below:

[['cachorro', 'engordar', 'um', 'quilo', 'novo', 'ração', 'comprar', 'bom', 'nome', 'cachorro', 'max', 'postar', 'umar', 'foto', 'rede', 'social', 'um', 'dia', 'atrás'], ['oi', 'ver', 'postar', 'perfil', 'olhar', 'navegar', 'rede', 'social', 'encontrar', 'notebook', 'baratar'], ['comprar', 'notebook', 'promoção', 'loja', 'vender', 'descontar']]

The lemmatization transforms the word in its "root version", so words like 'engordou' (past tense) become 'engordar' (infinitive) and 'quilos' (noun in plural) become 'quilo' (noun in singular). Spacy uses statistical models to find out if a word is a verb or a noun, so in some cases they fail, in this case Spacy thinks the word 'barato' (noun) is a verb, so 'barato' become 'baratar'. This step is important because the algorithm analyzes only the syntax, not the semantic, so for example, the words dog and dogs have the same meaning, however, the syntax is different, so the algorithm understands it as two words with a different meaning.

The next step is the n_gram, in this step, words that often appear together are connected with an underline, for example, social media becomes social_media, so the algorithm understands social media as a word with the same meaning instead of two words with a different meaning. This step is important for the same reason that the lemmatization.

[['cachorro', 'engordar', 'um', 'quilo', 'novo', 'ração', 'comprar', 'bom', 'nome', 'cachorro', 'max', 'postar', 'umar', 'foto', 'rede_social', 'um', 'dia', 'atrás', 'rede_social'], ['oi', 'ver', 'postar', 'perfil', 'olhar', 'navegar', 'rede_social', 'encontrar', 'notebook', 'baratar'], ['comprar', 'notebook', 'promoção', 'loja', 'vender', 'descontar']]

The n_gram has two methods for connecting the words that appear often together, the first and what we're using is the original_score , the second is npmi_score , these methods calculate the score between two words, based on this score the algorithm connects the words. Each method receives parameters, changing the values of these parameters can generate results different, in this case, I used min_count=2 and threshold=10.

Creating a dictionary and a corpus

Now with the data ready, let's create a dictionary, that is, let's assign an identifier (number) for the word, then let's create a corpus, this corpus contains the word and the number of times it appears in the document, see the example below.

[[('atrás', 1), ('bom', 1), ('cachorro', 2), ('comprar', 1), ('dia', 1), ('engordar', 1), ('foto', 1), ('max', 1), ('nome', 1), ('novo', 1), ('postar', 1), ('quilo', 1), ('ração', 1), ('rede_social', 2), ('um', 2), ('umar', 1)], [('postar', 1), ('rede_social', 1), ('baratar', 1), ('encontrar', 1), ('navegar', 1), ('notebook', 1), ('oi', 1), ('olhar', 1), ('perfil', 1), ('ver', 1)], [('comprar', 1), ('notebook', 1), ('descontar', 1), ('loja', 1), ('promoção', 1), ('vender', 1)]]

Remember that each row in the matrix is a document.

# Adding more words in the stopwords dictionary stop_words.extend(['ir', 'aqui', 'ter', 'todo', 'fazer', 'dizer', 'falar', 'estar', 'hoje', 'algum', 'outro', 'ser', 'querer', 'qualquer', 'nado', 'porque', 'vir', 'partir', 'governar', 'deputar', 'parlamentar', 'sr', 'presidente', 'vice', 'discursar', 'parecer', 'vez', 'dar', 'ex', 'sim', 'levar', 'quase', 'chance', 'ano', 'além', 'sob', 'termo', 'sempre', 'nenhum', 'coisa', 'frase', 'diverso', 'olhar', 'exas', 'aliás', 'ficar', 'tanto', 'saber', 'colocar', 'tão', 'dia', 'senhor', 'então', 'tipo', 'lado', 'palavra', 'gente', 'apresentar', 'continuar', 'lá', 'nº', 'nome', 'exª', 'ali', 'câmara', 'comissão']) def tokenization(texts_list): for text in texts_list: yield (gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(text), deacc=False)) def remove_stopwords(matrix): return [[word for word in simple_preprocess(str(line)) if word not in stop_words] for line in matrix] def lemmatization(matrix): matrix_out = [] for line in matrix: doc = nlp(" ".join(line)) matrix_out.append([word.lemma_ for word in doc]) return matrix_out def n_grams(matrix): n_grams_model = gensim.models.Phrases(matrix, min_count=2, threshold=10) matrix_out = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(n_grams_model) return [matrix_out[line] for line in matrix] def create_dictionary(matrix): return Dictionary(matrix) def create_corpus(id2word, matrix): return [id2word.doc2bow(line) for line in matrix] df = pd.read_json('Arquivos json/KimKataguiri 2019.json', encoding="utf8") database = df.discursos.values.tolist() # Convert from text to list data_processing = list(tokenization(database)) # Convert in array, remove numbers, punctuation e isolated letters data_processing = remove_stopwords(data_processing) data_processing = lemmatization(data_processing) # Transforms the word in its "root version" data_processing = remove_stopwords(data_processing) data_processing = n_grams(data_processing) # Connect two words that appear often together data_processing = n_grams(data_processing) data_processing = remove_stopwords(data_processing) dictionary = create_dictionary(data_processing) # Assign a ID for each word print(len(dictionary)) dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=2) # remove the words that appear in less than 2 documents print(len(dictionary)) corpus = create_corpus(dictionary, data_processing) lda_model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=5, passes=5, random_state=100, chunksize=5) pprint(lda_model.show_topics(num_words=10, formatted=False)) lda_model.save('LDA model/my_lda.model')


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