
Collecting Youtube comments using the Youtube Data API - Part 2

kim kataguiri

Create a function to collect the comments

Google's API, just like other APIs, has a limit of daily requests, to access and to see your limit and to go along your use get in on Google's developer console and in the page's bottom end click Youtube Data API v3, you will be directed to the API's page. After it, in the sidebar menu click Quotas.

A video may have from 10 to more than 30 thousand comments, so worth it to take a look at your daily use after using the API.

Now, we'll implement the function in a separate file, so let's start by importing the API's library.

import googleapiclient.discovery

After it, let's implement the function.

def collect_comments(video_id, page_token): """ This function list comments of a youtube video :param video_id: id of the youtube video, after ?v= -> youtube.com/watch?v=video_id :param page_token: :return: return 100 comments """ my_api_key = 'your key' api_service_name = "youtube" api_version = "v3" youtube = googleapiclient.discovery.build( api_service_name, api_version, developerKey=my_api_key) results = youtube.commentThreads().list( part="snippet,replies", maxResults=100, videoId=video_id, textFormat="plainText", pageToken=page_token ).execute() print('100 comments returned') return results

The part and maxResults parameters as the same as the function that we used to collect video data, just the properties change a little, you can to see these properties in the documentation. For our case, let's use the snippet and the replies that contain the message's content and the other information such as likes, published date, etc.

I chose to collect the comment responses, to increase our samples and so we have more content and keywords to analyze, this is a good thing, topic modeling work better with bigger samples. The API has a technical limitation that it doesn't collect the replies responses, so some times you go note that the number of comments collected is lower than the video's number of comments.

Another parameter is the video_id, we use the video id to specify what video we'll collect the comments on, this id is found after ?v= on the video's site. For example, the video id of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7SZ5SBzyY&ab_channel=NoCopyrightSounds is bM7SZ5SBzyY.

As we saw before, the maxResults limit the number of data returned by the function, being 100 your maximum value, I commented that is possible to collect more than the maximum value allows us, for this, we need the nextPageToken that is a token returned by the function, this token appoints for the next page, we use it to continue off where we stopped.

Storing the comments in a file

To store the comments in a file, we'll use the same logic as we used in part 1, let's select the fields we want and write it in a JSON file. For this, let's know the structure of the data returned, observe below.

{'kind': 'youtube#commentThreadListResponse', 'etag': '------', 'nextPageToken': '--------', 'pageInfo': {'totalResults': 100, 'resultsPerPage': 100}, 'items': [{ 'kind': 'youtube#commentThread', 'etag': '-', 'id': '-------', 'snippet': { 'videoId': 'MX82C2rQSXo', 'topLevelComment': {'kind': 'youtube#comment', 'etag': '---', 'id': '---', 'snippet': { 'videoId': 'MX82C2rQSXo', 'textDisplay': "", 'textOriginal': "", 'authorDisplayName': '', 'authorProfileImageUrl': 'image', 'authorChannelUrl': '', 'authorChannelId': { 'value': 'UCOJQ9Bw2J-kYoJLp4J5apZA'}, 'canRate': True, 'viewerRating': 'none', 'likeCount': 0, 'publishedAt': '2020-02-06T13:29:59Z', 'updatedAt': '2020-02-06T13:29:59Z'}}, 'canReply': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0, 'isPublic': True}},

The information that the user can edit such as channel name and text message are divided into Original and Display, being Original the information at the time of the creation and Display the information after the last update realized by the user until the time of the request.

An important note, as the user can edit the information any time, the information that we collected today can be different tomorrow, only the original information remains unchanged. The updatedAt field show when was realized the last modification, and the publishedAt field when was published.

From the information returned, we'll select the author current name (authorDisplayName), the comments current text (textDisplay), last update date (updateAt), and the number of likes (likeCount). Observe the function below.

def write_json_file(comments, name): """ This function saves comments in a txt file :param comments: collected comments :param name: name for the txt file :return: a txt file """ text = '' for item in comments: comment = item["snippet"]["topLevelComment"]["snippet"] text += 'author: ' + comment['authorDisplayName'] + '\n' text += 'comment: ' + comment["textDisplay"].replace("\n", ". ") + '\n' text += 'date: ' + comment["updatedAt"] + '\n' text += 'like: ' + str(comment["likeCount"]) + '\n\n' if 'replies' in item.keys(): replies = item["replies"]["comments"] text += '\nreplies: \n' for reply in replies: text += 'author: ' + reply["snippet"]['authorDisplayName'] + '\n' text += 'comment: ' + reply["snippet"]["textDisplay"].replace("\n", ". ") + '\n' text += 'date: ' + reply["snippet"]["updatedAt"] + '\n' text += 'like: ' + str(reply["snippet"]["likeCount"]) + '\n\n' with open('database/comments/' + name + '.txt', '+a', encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(text) print('Information was stored in txt file')

Calling the functions

videos = ['MX82C2rQSXo'] for video in videos: try: comment_data = collect_comments(video, '') while True: write_json_file(comment_data['items'], video) comment_data = collect_comments(video, comment_data['nextPageToken']) except KeyError: print('Comments successfully collected')

The page_token variable has the current page token, in start it's empty pointing for the fist page, so the function return the first page of comments, after it, we use the nextPageToken for the function collect next page comments, lastly we put this code that is using the nexPageToken in a loop, that way it collects the comments of all the pages. In last page, it returns a token invalid and raise a KeyError error, when this occurs mean that there isn't next page, so the algorithm ends the loop.

The code is available on my github and some times I update it. Feel free to edit the code adapting it the your needs.


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